Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Niche Blogging Institute

What is The Niche Blogging Institute?

October 17th saw the beginning of prelaunch for a new site called The Niche Blogging Institute. Like most it made some big claims on teaching people how to make money using blogs and affiliate marketing so this is my review based on information I've been able to obtain from the product owner itself.
First a comment should be made on the strategy of "niche blogging" itself. From what I gather, the trainers at Niche Blogging Institute, Andrew Hansen and Colleen Slater are focusing on teaching how to use blogs to make money through affiliate offers (both CPA and the traditional pay per sale type programs) and Adsense.
Different to other affiliate marketing memberships, I've heard they'll strictly not be teaching anything to do with Pay Per Click but focusing solely on free traffic methods.
We know  that free traffic methods are great when they work, but can take time to implement and results need to be built and grown with time. So while they have claimed to be able to generate fast search rankings and quick profits, we should be aware that the people who make the most out of the NBI service will be those looking to create an online business that will grow and sustain an income over the long term.
As far as I can tell, the focus will be on the trainers trying to "do as many of the steps as possible FOR you".. so they will take care of things like niche research, keyword research and affiliate program research by offering a certain amount of "pre searched" niches, keywords, and affiliate programs per month for all members. This certainly has the potential to stop one of the major causes of failure of affiliate marketers, namely, promoting badly converting offers.
The other focus will be on video training. Since few people want to read an ebook anymore, the owners Andrew and Colleen have stated that they want to focus on providing training in a walk through video format, so you can watch every step live on screen, as the professionals themselves would do it, and proceed to copy. We hope this should provide an effective means of training that everyone can utilize effectively but we also know that the training part of NBI won't be limited to ONLY video content, with training guides of various kinds available too.
That's all I can gather up until now but I advise you, if you're into blogging or affiliate marketing, to check out the following link and watch the free video presentation :

8 Things to Avoid When Blogging

Alvin Phang

Tip #1 – Never Post Without First Proof Reading
You may say, “I was really gifted with great English”, but the least you can do after spending time to create post is to spend a little more time to check the grammar and spelling of your post content. A quick way is to use the Firefox browser to type your content as they have a built- in spell checker. You can also copy your content to Microsoft Words to check for grammatical error.

Tip #2 – Do Not Write If You Do Not Have Ideas What To Write
When posting, have a minimum word length about 250 words or more. And do not post on your blog for the sake of posting. You must remember that people spend their precious time reading your post so your job is to ensure you give them valuable information so that they would come back for more. A quick way to get more content for your blog would be to go to Google Videos and grab a 40-minute video clip on your topic. By doing so, you do not have to write at all, you just have to put a video on your blog.

Tip #3 – Do not Copy Content From Others
When posting content on your blog, please avoid using duplicate content or copyright content from others. You would be in for trouble when they find out you steals content from them. However, what you can do is you can take ideas from others and paraphrase them. You will be amazed that most top seller books you see today at bookshops have similar content.

Tip #4 – Do Not Post Offensive Post
Never post any form of writing that would offend anyone online. This is especially so if it is someone you know and dislike, online or offline. It is never civil to show your readers an offensive habit. More often than not, when people read your blog post, they will find hyperlinks on your post. You should never allow these links to external sites that are not yours to appear in your blog.

Tip #6 – Do Not Hard Sell In Your Blog Post
I see this happening many times on many blogs of others who try too hard to sell something on their blogs. They kept explaining why a product X should be bought and insisted it’s the best product out there.
Instead of doing hard selling on your blog, what you should do is to persuade. A soft- sell approach will be more effective and also gives your readers some solid content so that they can benefit from reading your blog.

Tip #7 – Do Not Go Off Topic On Your Blog
Writing in a blog can sometimes lead you into talking about almost anything that comes to your mind. It’s very important, that whatever content which comes out of your blog has to always be relevant to the topics on your blog. You do not want to read a stock trading blog talking about cooking, do you?

Tip #8 – Credibility Is Key In Blogging
Never lie to your readers especially when you are paid to write reviews, tell
your readers it’s a paid review.

Alvin Phang is the creator of the blogging guide book Atomic Blogging 3.0
and blog owner of www.GatherSuccess.com where he generated $222,579
to date.

Need more tips and start making money from your blogs?  Grab your copy
today at www.AtomicBlogging.com

Monday, November 16, 2009

Niche Marketing-How to Find Your Perfect Niche Market

by Herman Drost

If you don't find a niche market for the product or service you offer, you will most probably fail. Most newcomers who wish to do business on the Internet often market to everyone they can find with the expectation that everyone will do business with them. This is the same as throwing mud against the wall and hoping some of it will stick. They have not yet found their niche market.

What is niche marketing?

A niche market is composed of individuals and businesses that have similar interests and needs, which can be readily identified and that can be easily targeted and reached.   Finding a niche for your business means finding a great product or service for a highly targeted audience.

Here's the process to find your niche business:

1. Find a niche product or service you are passionate about - this will greatly improve your chances of being successful. Why? Because it's the only way you're going to be able to devote the kind of time and effort to create a meaningful web site, build up the right traffic, generate worthwhile income, and enjoy what you're doing.

2. Choose a niche product or service you are knowledgeable about - reflect on what skills, hobbies or products you know the most about. If you don't have the knowledge yet, then choose a niche product that you would love to promote, then spend the necessary time to research it, so you can eventually become an expert in your marketing niche.

3. Define your niche market - do the necessary research to see if there is a market for your niche product. To create a profitable business for your niche product, you need to ask yourself these questions:

a) Is there sufficient demand for it? - if you choose a field that is too broad it may be hard to stand out from the competition ie camping equipment is your niche product. Well, unless you are a large corporation such as Sports Authority (a large retail store in my town), you won't stand out from the crowd. However, a more highly targeted niche product could be Coleman Camping Equipment.

b) Keyword research - use keyword tools such as the overture suggestion tool or wordtracker  to how many people are searching each month on keywords related to your niche product.

c) Take a survey – you may already have products or services that you selling to your customers. If so, ask questions within your survey about what product/service would help your customers business. If it can help them save time by gaining more knowledge or automating tasks, you could have a winner.

d) Create Your Own Unique Selling Position (USP) - study your competition to find out what they emphasize about the product which makes them stand out from the crowd. Then decide on something that will make your business unique from the others. It could be something unique about the product (ie discount coleman camping equipment) or you could choose a more highly defined target market (ie boyscout organizations and clubs throughout the USA).

4. Build and promote your web site - to develop a profitable web site for your niche product you need to create a number of informative pages that will not only attract visitors from the search engines, but inform and move them to purchase from your site.

Herman Drost is the author of the new ebook

a powerful guide for attracting 1000s of visitors to your web site.

Subscribe to his “Marketing Tips” newsletter for more original
articles at: subscribe@isitebuild.com. Read more of his
in-depth articles at: www.isitebuild.com/articles